Florida’s Land Conservation Programs


Funding our state land conservation programs – Florida Forever and Rural and Family Lands Protection Program (RFLPP) – is crucial to the future of Florida and a sound economic decision. Investing in these programs is the most cost-effective way to protect our water and natural resources.



Rural and Family Lands Protection Program (RFLPP)

Agricultural Conservation Easement Program under Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. RFLPP’s primary mission is the protection of agricultural lands.

• Acres in Rural and Family Lands Protection Program Top Tier: 237,758


Florida Forever

Florida’s conservation lands program under Florida Department
of Environmental Protection (FF Program does BOTH fee-simple and conservation easements). The primary goals of Florida Forever conservation easements are to: protect high priority natural resource areas and ensure our water resources are protected.

• Current acres on Less-Than-Fee Florida Forever Project list: 696,959



RFLPP and Florida Forever are critical to the health of the landscape; they both protect water
quality and supply for urban areas, maintain our agricultural economy, protect Florida’s tourist economy and military base buffers. Both programs partner with other local, state
and federal programs to leverage resources and maximize protection benefits. Funding these conservation easement
programs is an investment in Florida’s future and is critical to our quality of life.

  • We are losing natural/agricultural land at rate of 100,000 acres a year
  • Private lands protect Florida’s water and natural resources
  • These programs are the most cost effective way to preserve our water resources
  • We can invest a little now or a LOT later to restore our watersheds;
  • Private lands protect drinking water supply and water quality/quantity to our urban areas
  • Private lands critical to aquifer recharge
  • Protection of water resources for fraction of cost of outright purchase
  • RFLPP protects our food security and agricultural economy; Florida Forever protects our
    critical water resources
  • Land stays on tax roles/private ownership
  • Management costs responsibility of landowner


See Florida Forever and RFLPP Projects by Region