Working At All Levels: Local, State, & Federal
The Florida Conservation Group works to secure funding for land protection programs and conservation incentives at the state, federal and local levels.
Florida has always been a national leader in land protection. Our natural and agricultural landscapes are disappearing at a rapid pace; the time to support these programs is now. Land conservation programs are necessary to protect our state’s water supply and water quality, clean air, wildlife and fisheries, and to maintain the agriculture that is critical to our state economy and food security.
On the state level, we are focused on the Rural and Family Lands Protection Program (RFLPP) and the Florida Forever Program. Both of these programs protect water quality and supply for urban areas, maintain our agricultural economy and protect Florida’s tourist economy and military base buffers. The RFLPP focuses on protecting agricultural lands, while Florida Forever focuses on protecting high-priority natural resource areas and water resources. Both programs partner with other local, state and federal programs to leverage resources and maximize protection benefits.
At the federal level, we support Farm Bill Funding (National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) easements) and funding for Florida’s National Wildlife Refuge Landscapes through the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). LWCF funds land protection within our National Wildlife Refuge System, including the Everglades Headwaters National Wildlife Refuge and Conservation Area. These programs are essential investments to ensure that our state continues to have clean, abundant water and other natural resources necessary to Florida’s economy and the social well-being of all Floridians and visitors.
Please see below for more information on some of the most important state and federal programs. FCG has extensive experience in leveraging all available funding programs and funds to maximize our conservation footprint to achieve landscape level conservation.
State Programs
Florida Forever
Department of Environmental Protection-Division of State Lands
Florida Forever is the state land acquisition program and is run by the Division of State Lands (DSL). The program purchases properties with high conservation value, utilizing both fee-simple and less-than-fee acquisition strategies (conservation easements).
The Florida Forever program has specific guidelines for acceptance including an application and vetting process that is a year to 18 months in duration (depending on when an application is submitted). Once accepted into the program applications are ranked and placed into categories. Properties under 1000 acres may be considered for a boundary amendment (if they meet other qualifications); this is a much quicker process.
Florida Forever received 100 Million for FY 24-25. Under new legislation, the program will receive 100 million/yr (reoccurring).
Florida Forever Contact:
Sine Murray
Rural and Family Lands Protection Program (RFLPP)
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
The RFLPP is an agricultural easement program run by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; it is designed to protect important agricultural lands through the acquisition of permanent land conservation easements. The purpose of the program is to protect working landscapes. Securing funding for the RFLPP program is one of FCG’s top priorities.
RFLPP easements are less restrictive than other programs; they keep ranchlands and other agricultural lands from being developed into housing or other forms of land use that would eliminate both agricultural uses and habitat. The program is very popular among landowners who would like to have flexibility with their agricultural operations.
The application and vetting process lasts approximately six months. The program received 100 Million (recurring) FY 24-25. The next planned application period will be open in December of 2024.
RFLPP Contact:
JP Fraites
The Forest Legacy Program
Florida Forest Service
he Forest Legacy Program aims to protect and conserve forests that are threatened by conversion to non-forest uses through the purchase of conservation easements or by fee-simple purchase of the land. The State Lead Agency in Florida is the Florida Forest Service, however, the U.S. Forest Service makes the final determinations on which projects across the nation are awarded funding. Florida, working through the U.S. Forest Service Regional Office, can submit no more than three projects from the state to the national office for consideration each year and the maximum funding is $20 million per year, per state. However, programs may partner with other state and county government entities, as well as with private and non-profit organizations to leverage funding.
Florida’s Forest Legacy Area map identifies which portions of the state are eligible for protection under the Forest Legacy Program.
Forest Legacy Program Contact:
Cat Ingram
Federal Programs
Wetland Reserve Easement Program (WRE)
National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Agricultural Conservation Easement Program
The Wetland Reserve Easement Program (WRE) purchases conservation easements on degraded or former wetlands in need of restoration. NRCS prioritizes wetlands that have been converted into other agricultural uses. NRCS will prioritize applications based on the easement’s potential for protecting and enhancing habitat for migratory birds and other wildlife.
WREs can be more restrictive than other easements; NRCS has the right to restrict grazing rights for restoration purposes. NRCS has not restricted grazing rights in Florida as part of the WRE program, and they indicate it is highly unlikely they ever will, as cattle are an important management tool in Florida. Landowners also have the option to secure grazing rights on a WRE in perpetuity for a reduced rate. Due to their restrictive nature, WREs tend to have a higher dollar value than other easements. The WRE program is an essential part of efforts to restore watershed function in the Everglades and other watersheds to provide storm water retention and water purification that addresses current water quality issues including freshwater and coastal red tide algal blooms.
Wetland Reserve Easement Contact:
Crenel Francis
Agricultural Conservation Land Easement Program: Agricultural Land Easements (ALE)
The ALE is a partnership program geared toward working landscapes. NRCS provides financial assistance to eligible partners for purchasing Agricultural Land Easements that protect the agricultural use and conservation values of eligible land. Eligible partners include Indian tribes, state and local governments and nongovernmental organizations that have farmland or grassland protection programs. The ALE program will provide up to 50% match for working agricultural lands and 75% where there are grasslands of special significance. NRCS does not purchase these easements; rather, they contribute to the partner that is acquiring the easement. The Rural and Family Lands Protection Program (RFLPP) under the Florida Forest Service has been successfully partnering with the NRCS ALE program, enabling them to leverage their dollars. Water Management Districts and County Land Conservation Programs are also pursuing funding partnerships with the ALE program.
ALE Contact:
Sara May
Conservation Easements U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wildlife Refuge System
Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS)
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) National Wildlife Refuge System is current acquiring land and purchasing conservation easements throughout south-central and southwest Florida. USWS service is working with landowners within the Everglades Headwaters National Wildlife Refuge and Conservation Area and the Everglades to Gulf Conservation Area. These conservation easements are focused on ecologically sensitive lands; they have been focused on cattle ranches and other low-intensity agricultural uses.
FWS is working in partnership with other easement and acquisition programs to leverage these dollars.
USFWS Conservation Easements Contact:
Kathleen Burchett
Local Programs
Florida Water Management Districts
County Programs
- Brevard County Environmentally Endangered Lands (EEL) Program - Conservation Charlotte services/natural-resources/ conservation-charlotte/ - Conservation Collier services/divisions/ conservation-collier - Flagler County Environmentally Sensitive Lands commissioners/advisory-boards- and-councils/land-acquisition- committee/-folder-213 - Lake County Conservation Areas - Lee County Conservation 20/20 - Manatee County Environmental Lands Program environmental_lands - Miami-Dade County Environmentally Endangered Lands Program asp - Nassau County Conservation Land Acquisition & Management (CLAM) Acquisition-Management - Osceola County Environmental Lands Conservation Program environmental-lands/ - Pasco County Environmental Lands Acquisition and Management Program (ELAMP) natural_resources/ environmental_lands_ acquisition_and_management_ program.php - Polk County Environmental Lands Program recreation/environmental- reserves/conservation/ - Sarasota County Environmentally Sensitive Lands Oversight Committee and-councils/environment/ environmentally-sensitive- lands-oversight-committee - St. Johns County Land Acquisition Management Program (LAMP) - St. Lucie County Land Acquisition & Selection Committee board-of-county-commissioners/ advisory-boards-and- committees/land-acquisition- selection-committee - Volusia Forever resource-stewardship/volusia- forever.stml